unimportance |
combined form of importance |
unimportant |
of no meaning or value; not important. [2 definitions] |
unimposing |
combined form of imposing. |
unimpressed |
not affected or moved, especially to admiration or respect, by something or someone. |
unimpressive |
lacking notable qualities; unremarkable; not impressive. |
unimproved |
not developed to full potential, as the mind. [3 definitions] |
unincorporated |
not organized as a corporate entity or self-governing town, city, or village. [2 definitions] |
unindexed |
combined form of indexed. |
unindicted |
combined form of indicted. |
unindustrialized |
combined form of industrialized. |
uninfected |
combined form of infected. |
uninflated |
combined form of inflated. |
uninflected |
combined form of inflected. |
uninfluenced |
combined form of influenced. |
uninformative |
giving out very few facts, ideas, or theories; providing little information. |
uninformatively |
combined form of informatively. |
uninformed |
lacking particular knowledge that one should possess or that might be useful to one. |
uningratiating |
combined form of ingratiating. |
uninhabitable |
not able to be lived in. |
uninhabited |
not lived in, esp. by humans. |
uninhibited |
not restrained or controlled; open; free. [2 definitions] |