unlovable |
combined form of lovable. |
unloved |
combined form of loved. |
unloving |
combined form of loving. |
unlucky |
marked by or involving ill fortune or bad luck. [2 definitions] |
unlyrical |
combined form of lyrical. |
unmacho |
combined form of macho. |
unmagnified |
combined form of magnified. |
unmake |
to reduce to nothing; wipe out or undo. [3 definitions] |
unmalicious |
combined form of malicious. |
unmaliciously |
combined form of maliciously. |
unman |
to deprive of courage, resolution, or other characteristics considered to be masculine. [2 definitions] |
unmanageable |
combined form of manageable. |
unmanageably |
combined form of manageably. |
unmanaged |
combined form of managed. |
unmanipulated |
combined form of manipulated. |
unmanly |
lacking in characteristics considered to be masculine, such as strength, bravery, or courage. |
unmanned |
not having a human pilot or crew, as a spacecraft. |
unmannered |
lacking good manners; coarse or impolite. [2 definitions] |
unmannerly |
having or displaying bad manners; rude or impolite. |
unmapped |
combined form of mapped. |
unmarked |
combined form of marked. |