unmarried |
combined form of married. |
unmasculine |
combined form of masculine. |
unmask |
to remove a mask or covering from. [3 definitions] |
unmatched |
combined form of matched. |
unmeaning |
without meaning or significance; meaningless. [2 definitions] |
unmeant |
combined form of meant. |
unmeasurable |
combined form of measurable. |
unmeasured |
combined form of measured. |
unmechanized |
combined form of mechanized. |
unmedicated |
combined form of medicated. |
unmelodious |
combined form of melodious. |
unmelodiousness |
combined form of melodiousness. |
unmemorable |
combined form of memorable. |
unmemorably |
combined form of memorably. |
unmentionable |
not fit or proper to be spoken of or about. [2 definitions] |
unmerciful |
without mercy; pitiless. [2 definitions] |
unmerited |
combined form of merited. |
unmerry |
combined form of merry. |
unmet |
combined form of met. |
unmetabolized |
combined form of metabolized. |
unmethodical |
combined form of methodical. |