unowned |
combined form of owned. |
unoxygenated |
combined form of oxygenated. |
unpack |
to take (something) out of a package, suitcase, or the like. [5 definitions] |
unpaged |
of a printed publication, lacking page numbers. |
unpaid |
not paid. |
unpainted |
combined form of painted. |
unpalatable |
combined form of palatable. [2 definitions] |
unparalleled |
without peer or equal; matchless. |
unparasitized |
combined form of parasitized. |
unpardonable |
combined form of pardonable. |
unparliamentary |
not in keeping with parliamentary procedures and methods. |
unpassable |
combined form of passable. |
unpasteurized |
combined form of pasteurized. |
unpastoral |
combined form of pastoral. |
unpatentable |
combined form of patentable. |
unpatriotic |
combined form of patriotic. |
unpaved |
combined form of paved. |
unpedantic |
combined form of pedantic. |
unpeeled |
combined form of peeled. |
unpeg |
to remove a peg or pegs from, esp. to open or unfasten in this manner. |
unpeople |
to empty (an area, region, or the like) of people; depopulate. |