unseeded |
combined form of seeded. |
unseemly |
not in accord with accepted social standards; improper; indecorous. [2 definitions] |
unseen |
not seen, observed, or discovered; invisible; unnoticed. [2 definitions] |
unsegmented |
combined form of segmented. |
unself-conscious |
combined form of self-conscious. |
unself-consciously |
combined form of self-consciously. |
unself-consciousness |
combined form of self-consciousness. |
unselfish |
apt to share with or sacrifice for others; generous. |
unsensational |
combined form of sensational. |
unsensitive |
combined form of sensitive. |
unsensitized |
combined form of sensitized. |
unsent |
combined form of sent. |
unsentimental |
combined form of sentimental. |
unseparated |
combined form of separated. |
unserious |
combined form of serious. |
unseriousness |
combined form of seriousness. |
unserved |
combined form of served. |
unserviceable |
combined form of serviceable. |
unsettle |
to agitate or disturb the mind or emotions of; make uneasy, uncertain, or the like; upset. [3 definitions] |
unsettled |
not firmly situated in one place. [6 definitions] |
unsettling |
making one feel uneasy or uncertain; slightly or somewhat disturbing. |