untalented |
combined form of talented. |
untamed |
combined form of tamed. |
untangle |
to free from a tangled or snarled condition; disentangle. [2 definitions] |
untanned |
combined form of tanned. |
untarnished |
combined form of tarnished. |
untaught |
not instructed or taught; ignorant. [2 definitions] |
untaxed |
combined form of taxed. |
unteachable |
combined form of teachable. |
untechnical |
combined form of technical. |
untempered |
combined form of tempered. |
untenable |
of an argument, position, or the like, incapable of being defended; weak or illogical. [2 definitions] |
untenanted |
combined form of tenanted. |
untended |
not cared for; not maintained. |
untestable |
combined form of testable. |
untested |
combined form of tested. |
unthankful |
offering no thanks or gratitude; not grateful. [2 definitions] |
untheoretical |
combined form of theoretical. |
unthinkable |
not imaginable; incredible. [2 definitions] |
unthinking |
lacking consideration; thoughtless. [3 definitions] |
unthread |
to remove thread or threads from. [3 definitions] |
unthreatening |
combined form of threatening. |