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upturn to turn over, up, or upward. [4 definitions]
upward toward or to a higher position or place. [5 definitions]
upward mobility movement to a higher status in society, or the ability to so move.
upward of more than.
upwards of more than.
upwelling an act or instance of flowing upward or as if from a deep source. [2 definitions]
upwind in or toward the direction from which the wind is blowing. [2 definitions]
uracil a pyrimidine compound essential to life, important in metabolism and as a precursor of RNA.
Ural (pl.) a mountain range in Russia, extending from the Arctic Ocean to near the Caspian Sea and forming a border between Europe and Asia; Ural Mountains. [3 definitions]
Ural-Altaic a hypothetical language group consisting of all the Uralic and Altaic languages.
Uralic a language family containing the Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian languages and the Finno-Ugric and Samoyed subfamilies.
Ural Mountains a mountain range in Russia, extending from the Arctic Ocean to near the Caspian Sea and forming a border between Europe and Asia; Urals.
uranium a radioactive chemical element that has ninety-two protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a heavy silvery-white metal, used as a fissionable nuclear fuel. (symbol: U)
Uranus the third largest planet in the solar system and seventh from the sun, having twenty-seven satellites and a diameter of about 31,500 miles. [2 definitions]
urate a salt of uric acid.
urban of or pertaining to a city or town. [3 definitions]
urbane refined in manner; polished; elegant.
urbanism the culture or way of life of city dwellers.
urbanite one who lives in a city.
urbanity refined politeness; elegant courtesy. [2 definitions]
urbanization the process by which the population in cities and towns grows as people leave rural areas for urban areas. [2 definitions]