victorious |
having gained a victory; triumphant; successful. [2 definitions] |
victory |
success in a struggle against an enemy, opponent, or obstacle. [2 definitions] |
victual |
(pl.) food or food supplies, esp. for humans. [3 definitions] |
vicuņa |
a wild cloven-hoofed, cud-chewing mammal of South America that is related to the llama but is smaller and has a silky fleece. [2 definitions] |
vide |
(Latin) see; refer to (used as a directive to another specified part of a text). |
videlicet |
(Latin) that is; namely; to wit (usu. abbreviated as viz.). |
video |
television, esp. the visual images as distinguished from the sound. [3 definitions] |
videocassette |
a cassette for or containing a videotape. |
videocassette recorder |
a device for recording on and replaying videocassettes; video recorder or VCR. |
video chat |
a conversation between people via an electronic means that allows both speaking with and viewing the other person or persons. [2 definitions] |
videoconference |
an organized meeting in which participants in different locations communicate by transmitted audio and visual signals. |
videoconferencing |
the process of holding an organized meeting via transmitted audio and visual signals. |
videodisc |
a disc on which sounds and moving images can be recorded for later playback on a television set. |
video game |
any of various electronic or computerized games in which players manipulate images on a television or other electronic screen. |
videotape |
a magnetic tape on which moving images can be recorded, usu. accompanied by sound, for later broadcast or playback on television. [3 definitions] |
videotex |
any electronic system for the distribution of data for display on video screens, often allowing for interaction by users via telephone or television; videotext. |
vidicon |
a small, highly sensitive television camera tube that forms an image on a photoconductive surface that is then scanned with an electron beam. |
vie |
to compete with another for victory, superiority, or the like (usu. fol. by "for"). |
Vienna |
the capital of Austria. |
Vientiane |
the capital of Laos. |
Vietcong |
a nationalistic, communist guerrilla force in Vietnam that fought to overthrow the South Vietnamese government with the help and support of North Vietnam during 1954-75. [2 definitions] |