Vietnam War |
a war (1954-1975) between the communist Viet Cong forces supported by North Vietnam, China, and Russia and the non-communist government forces supported by South Vietnam and the U.S., which ended with the unification of Vietnam under communist North Vietnam. |
view |
the act of looking at or observing; visual inspection; survey. [7 definitions] |
viewable |
combined form of view. |
viewer |
one who views, esp. a spectator or person who watches television. [2 definitions] |
viewfinder |
a device on a camera that indicates to the photographer what will appear in the photograph. |
viewless |
having or providing no view. [2 definitions] |
viewpoint |
a place or spot that allows a particular range of sight. [2 definitions] |
vigesimal |
twentieth. [3 definitions] |
vigil |
a watch or period of surveillance, esp. one kept during normal sleeping hours. [2 definitions] |
vigilance |
a condition or quality of being alert and attentive; watchfulness. |
vigilance committee |
a group of citizens that illegally assumes authority to punish crime because of dissatisfaction with or absence of the usual law-enforcement agencies. |
vigilant |
keenly alert and attentive; watchful, esp. for danger. |
vigilante |
one who seeks to avenge a crime or injury or to punish a suspected criminal without legal authority or due process. |
vigilantism |
a set of attitudes characteristic of vigilantes, such as lawlessness, violence, and suspiciousness. |
vignette |
a brief written or musical sketch, or brief film scene, that describes or characterizes a person, incident, situation, or the like. [5 definitions] |
vigor |
intensity or force. [3 definitions] |
vigorous |
characterized by vigor. [2 definitions] |
vigour |
a spelling of "vigor" used in Canada and Britain. See "vigor" for more information. |
Viking |
(sometimes l.c.) any of the Scandinavian sea warriors and traders who were active from around A.D. 700 to 1100. The Vikings raided the coasts of Europe and settled parts of Britain, western Europe, Russia, and elsewhere. [2 definitions] |
Vila |
the capital of Vanuatu. |
vile |
extremely bad, disgusting, or unpleasant. [4 definitions] |