villus |
any hairlike process on certain mucous membranes of the body that absorb nutrients, secrete mucus, or exchange materials, as in the small intestine or the mammalian placenta. [2 definitions] |
Vilnius |
the capital of Lithuania. |
vim |
liveliness and enthusiasm; vitality; energy. |
vin |
(French) wine. |
vinaceous |
of, relating to, or resembling wine or grapes. [2 definitions] |
vinaigrette |
a small bottle or box with a perforated lid for holding smelling salts or the like. [3 definitions] |
vinaigrette sauce |
a cold, savory sauce or dressing made from vinegar or lemon juice, oil, and seasonings such as mustard or herbs, and used esp. on salads; vinaigrette dressing. |
Vincent's angina |
a bacterial disease characterized by ulceration of the mucous membranes of the mouth, tonsils, and pharynx; trench mouth. |
Vincent Van Gogh |
a Dutch painter (b.1853--d.1890). |
vincible |
capable of being defeated or vanquished. |
vindicable |
able to be justified or vindicated. |
vindicate |
to free from an accusation, suspicion, or doubt by indisputable proof. [2 definitions] |
vindication |
the act of vindicating or the state of being vindicated. [2 definitions] |
vindictive |
desirous of revenge; vengeful. [2 definitions] |
vine |
a plant having a long, thin, flexible, and woody stem that climbs up a support or creeps along the ground. [3 definitions] |
vinegar |
a dilute, sour-tasting solution of acetic acid, formed by the fermentation of wine, cider, or malt, and used primarily as flavoring for food or as a preservative. |
vinegar eel |
a small nematode worm that feeds on organisms in unsterilized vinegar; vinegar worm. |
vinegarroon |
a large, nonvenomous whip scorpion of the southern United States and Mexico that emits a strong odor of vinegar when disturbed. |
vinegary |
resembling vinegar in taste or smell; sour or acidic. [2 definitions] |
vinery |
an area or greenhouse where vines, esp. grapevines, are grown. [2 definitions] |
vineyard |
a planting of cultivated grapevines, usu. for the production of wine grapes. |