wadi |
in North Africa and the Middle East, a watercourse, riverbed, or valley that remains dry except when it rains. [2 definitions] |
wading bird |
any of several long-legged birds, such as storks and herons, that wade in shallow water, in search of food; wader. |
wading pool |
a shallow pool of water, esp. a small, plastic, portable unit made for children to play in. |
Waf |
a member of the Women in the Air Force, a branch of the U.S. Air Force (acronym for "Women in the Air Force"). |
acronym of "Women in the Air Force." |
wafer |
a small thin crisp cracker or cookie. [6 definitions] |
waffle1 |
a flat batter cake cooked in a hinged iron that leaves a gridlike pattern on the cake. [2 definitions] |
waffle2 |
to speak or write vaguely, indecisively, or evasively. [2 definitions] |
waffle iron |
a cooking appliance consisting of two hinged plates that close on the batter, leaving an indented grid pattern on the waffle. |
waft |
to carry or cause to go gently on water or through the air. [6 definitions] |
wag |
to cause to move repeatedly up and down or from side to side; shake (a finger) or nod (one's head). [6 definitions] |
wage |
(often pl.) money paid regularly to an employee in exchange for labor or services. [3 definitions] |
wage earner |
someone who earns wages, esp. one whose wages support a family. |
wageless |
combined form of wage. |
wager |
an act of betting; bet. [5 definitions] |
wage scale |
a schedule of the wages paid to workers in a given industry or locality, or paid by a given employer. |
waggery |
the humor, attitude, or action characteristic of a wag; drollery. [2 definitions] |
waggish |
characteristic of or resembling a wag. [2 definitions] |
waggle |
to sway, shake, or move unsteadily from side to side; wobble. [3 definitions] |
wagon |
a vehicle with a sturdy, rectangular body and four wheels, usu. drawn by horses. [6 definitions] |
wagoner |
one who drives a wagon. [2 definitions] |