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warehouse a building, or part of one, in which commercial products or private goods are stored. [2 definitions]
wares things offered for sale.
warfare the act or process of waging a war. [2 definitions]
warfarin a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and water-insoluble crystalline compound used to kill rodents and, in medicine, to prevent coagulation.
war game a simulated military engagement or action, involving either actual troops or computerized projections.
war hawk one who advocates war, esp. any member of the twelfth U.S. Congress who favored war; hawk.
warhead the front part of a bomb, guided missile, or other projectile, containing the explosive charge.
war-horse formerly, a horse used in battle. [3 definitions]
warily in a cautious or watchful manner.
wariness the condition or quality of being cautious and watchful.
warless combined form of war.
warlike hostile; aggressive. [3 definitions]
warlock a man who practices witchcraft or magic arts; sorcerer.
warlord a military leader who governs or has great influence in an area or country that is warlike or at war.
warm having or emitting moderate heat. [14 definitions]
warm-blooded designating animals whose body temperature remains relatively constant and warm, independent of the surrounding temperature. [2 definitions]
warmed-over of cooked foods, heated and served again. [2 definitions]
warm front the advancing edge of a mass of warm air that rises over colder air, usu. causing steady precipitation.
warm-hearted having or showing sympathy, compassion, kindness, or generosity.
warming pan a long-handled pan, usu. of brass, made to be filled with coals or hot water, covered, and passed between the sheets of a bed to warm them.
warmonger a person who advocates, or encourages the start of, war.