wax paper |
a translucent wrapping paper that has been coated with paraffin to make it moisture-proof. |
waxwing |
any of several birds of the Northern Hemisphere that have showy crests, brownish plumage, and waxy red tips on the secondary feathers. |
waxwork |
an object of art made of wax. [2 definitions] |
waxworks |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) a museum displaying life-size wax figures, or such a display itself. |
waxy |
made of, covered with, or having an abundance of wax. [2 definitions] |
way |
a road or path leading from one place to another. [12 definitions] |
waybill |
a document that accompanies the goods it lists and that includes shipping instructions. |
wayfarer |
one who travels, esp. on foot. |
wayfaring |
traveling or journeying, esp. on foot. |
waylay |
to attack or accost unexpectedly after lying in wait for. [2 definitions] |
wayless |
combined form of way. |
way-out |
(informal) very unusual or extreme; unconventional; nonconformist. |
way out |
(chiefly British) a route, passage, or door out of a building or other location; exit. |
-ways |
in (such) a way, direction, or manner. |
ways and means |
methods and legislation by which to increase the financial resources available, esp. to a government for distribution. [2 definitions] |
wayside |
land that runs alongside a road. [2 definitions] |
way station |
a minor station on a railroad line, located between more important stations, at which a train stops only when signaled. |
wayward |
difficult to control; willfully disobedient. [3 definitions] |
wayworn |
tired from traveling; travel-weary. |
w.c. |
abbreviation of "water closet," a flush toilet, or a room or booth containing a toilet and often a washbowl. |
we |
used in reference to the speaker and one or more others. [4 definitions] |