wild mustard |
charlock or a similar weedy mustard. |
wild oat |
any of several wild grasses, esp. the wild progenitor of the cultivated oat. |
wild pansy |
an uncultivated pansy bearing flowers with petals in combinations of white, yellow, and purple; heartsease. |
wild pitch |
in baseball, an erratic pitch that the catcher cannot be expected to catch and that allows a base runner to advance to the next base. (Cf. passed ball.) |
wild rice |
a tall aquatic grass of the northern United States and Canada that bears edible grain that is considered a delicacy. |
wild rose |
a native species of rose, such as eglantine. |
Wild West |
the western United States, unregulated by law during its settlement in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. |
wildwood |
a wood growing in a wild or natural state; forest. |
wile |
a trick or stratagem intended to mislead, entice, or entrap. [4 definitions] |
will1 |
used to indicate future time of a verb. [9 definitions] |
will2 |
the power of the mind to choose one's own courses of action or decide one's emotions. [14 definitions] |
willed |
having a will, usu. of a specified kind. |
willful |
according to one's will or intentions; intentional; deliberate. [2 definitions] |
William Beebe |
U.S. naturalist, explorer, and author, who in 1934 made a record oceanic descent of 3,028 feet (923 meters) in a bathysphere (b.1877--d.1962). |
William Clark |
U.S. co-leader with Meriwether Lewis of an expedition to explore the uncharted American West, from Missouri to Oregon, from 1804 to 1807 (b.1770--d.1838). |
William Shakespeare |
English poet and playwright (b.1564--d.1616). |
William Tell |
in Swiss legend, a patriot who was forced to shoot an apple off his son's head with a bow and arrow. |
William the Conqueror |
the Duke of Normandy who was king of England from 1066 to 1087; William I (b.1027--d.1087). |
willies |
(informal) feelings of wariness or fright; jitters (usu. prec. by "the"). |
willing |
inclined or disposed; not objecting or resisting; ready. [3 definitions] |
willingness |
the condition or being inclined or disposed to do something, without objecting or resisting; readiness. |