acquirement |
the act of acquiring or attaining, esp. by learning. [2 definitions] |
acquisition |
the act or process of acquiring. [2 definitions] |
acquisitive |
having an eager desire to gain or possess, esp. material goods. |
acquit |
to clear (someone) of a charge or accusation, as in a court of law. [3 definitions] |
acquittal |
the act of acquitting, or the fact or condition of being acquitted. |
acquittance |
discharge from a debt or obligation, or a formal notice of this. |
acre |
a unit of area equal to 43,560 square feet or 4,047 square meters, used in measuring land. [2 definitions] |
acreage |
an area or areas of land measured in acres; acres collectively. [2 definitions] |
Acremonium |
the genus of fungi, formerly known as Cephalosporium, from which the antibiotic cephalosporin was originally isolated. Several species may cause disease in humans, esp. pneumonia. |
acrid |
bitter in taste or smell; sharply irritating. [2 definitions] |
acrimonious |
filled with bitterness or rancor. |
acrimony |
bitterness or sharpness in speech or behavior. |
acro- |
top; peak; height. [2 definitions] |
acrobat |
a person who performs feats of balance and physical dexterity. |
acrobatic |
having to do with acrobats or feats of balance and skill. |
acrobatics |
the moves of an acrobat; gymnastic feats. [3 definitions] |
acrogen |
a plant that produces no flower and grows only from the tip of the stem, such as a fern or moss. |
acromegaly |
a chronic disease causing abnormal enlargement of the hands, feet, and parts of the face, usu. caused by a tumor of the pituitary gland. |
acronym |
a type of abbreviation used as a word and pronounced as a word. An acronym is formed by combining the initial letters (or initial parts) of a string of words. The pronunciation of an acronym is based on the typical rules of pronouncing words in a language and is not made up of the sounds of the names of individual letters. The abbreviations "AIDS," "FICA," and "PIN" are acronyms, but the abbreviations "FBI," ATM," and "DVD" are not. |
acrophobia |
an overwhelming fear of high places. |
acropolis |
a fortified hill of an ancient Greek city. [2 definitions] |