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adoptable able to be adopted; able to be officially accepted or taken on as one's own, esp. as one's own child or one's pet.
adoption the act or fact of becoming the legal parent of another person's child, or the act or condition of being thus adopted as another's child. [2 definitions]
adoptive of or pertaining to adoption. [2 definitions]
adorable utterly charming; extremely cute. [2 definitions]
adoration the act or condition of adoring or worshiping. [3 definitions]
adore to worship as a divinity. [4 definitions]
adorn to beautify, as with ornaments. [2 definitions]
adornment the act of adorning or state of being adorned. [2 definitions]
ADP a biochemical compound involved in the storing and releasing of energy in all living cells; adenosine diphosphate. (Cf. ATP.)
adrenal of or pertaining to glands located near the kidneys that produce the hormone epinephrine. [3 definitions]
adrenal gland either of two small glands of different shapes, located above the kidneys, that secrete adrenaline and various steroid hormones.
Adrenalin trademark for the synthesized or extracted form of epinephrine.
adrenaline the hormone secreted by the adrenal glands; epinephrine.
adrenocorticotropic able to stimulate the cortex of the adrenal glands.
Adriatic Sea an extension of the Mediterranean between Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia.
adrift not anchored, as a boat; drifting. [4 definitions]
adroit skillful with the hands; dextrous. [2 definitions]
a drop in the bucket a small amount compared to what is needed.
adsorb to gather (a gas or liquid) to a surface. (Cf. absorb.)
adsorbable combined form of adsorb.
adsorption the condensation or adhesion of a gas, vapor, liquid, or dissolved substance on the surface of a solid or liquid. (Cf. absorption.)