affected2 |
assumed; pretended. [2 definitions] |
affecting |
emotionally moving. |
affection |
a feeling of warmth and fondness for someone or something. [2 definitions] |
affectionate |
feeling or showing affection. |
affectionless |
lacking affection. |
affective |
pertaining to or caused by emotions rather than reason. |
afferent |
bearing or leading toward a central organ or part, as nerves that conduct impulses to the spinal column or as veins that carry blood to the heart. |
affiance |
to promise or pledge (oneself) to marry; betroth. |
affiant |
one who gives legal testimony in an affidavit; deponent. |
affidavit |
a written statement that is sworn in the presence of an authorized official to be true, used as legal evidence. |
affiliate |
to associate or connect (oneself) as a subordinate member or branch (usu. fol. by "with"). [4 definitions] |
affiliation |
the condition or fact of being affiliated, esp. with an organization. |
affinity |
a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy. [5 definitions] |
affirm |
to firmly declare (something), or to state or maintain (something) as true. [2 definitions] |
affirmable |
combined form of affirm. |
affirmation |
the act of affirming. [2 definitions] |
affirmative |
affirming. [4 definitions] |
affirmative action |
a policy or program, supported by U. S. government regulations, to give equal opportunity in employment, college admissions, and the like to those considered previously disadvantaged, such as women and certain racial minority groups. |
affix |
to attach or join physically (usu. fol. by "to"). [5 definitions] |
affixable |
combined form of affix. |
afflatus |
creative impulse; inspiration. |