ancestral |
pertaining to, inherited from, or descended from an ancestor or ancestors. |
ancestress |
a female ancestor. |
ancestry |
one's ancestors collectively; one's family background. [3 definitions] |
anchor |
a heavy device, connected by a cable to a boat or ship, that is dropped to the bottom of a body of water to restrict the vessel's motion. [7 definitions] |
anchorage |
a place where vessels can anchor. [4 definitions] |
anchorite |
one who has withdrawn into seclusion for religious reasons or purposes; hermit. |
anchorless |
combined form of anchor. |
anchorman |
in broadcasting, the main announcer on a news program. |
anchorperson |
the main announcer on a news broadcast. |
anchorwoman |
in broadcasting, a female anchor on a news program. |
anchovy |
any of various small, herringlike fish, used for food and found in the Mediterranean Sea. |
anchylose |
variant of ankylose. |
ancien régime |
(French) the political and social structure of France before the French Revolution in 1789. [2 definitions] |
ancient |
extremely old; existing for many years. [4 definitions] |
anciently |
in times of long ago; of ancient times. |
ancient Rome |
a civilization cultivated by the city-state of Rome from the 8th century B.C.E. through its development as a republic and its collapse as an empire in the 5th century A.D. |
ancillary |
subordinate or secondary. [2 definitions] |
ancon |
a bracket, sometimes ornamental, used to support a molding, shelf, or the like. |
-ancy |
state, condition, or quality. |
and |
with; also; along with; as well as (used to connect words with identical grammatical functions). [3 definitions] |
andante |
moderately slow in tempo (used as a musical direction). [2 definitions] |