antistrike |
combined form of strike. |
antistrophe |
in ancient Greek poetry or theater, the return movement made by the chorus in response to the previous strophe. (Cf. strophe.) [2 definitions] |
antistudent |
combined form of student. |
antisubmarine |
combined form of submarine. |
antisubsidy |
combined form of subsidy. |
antisubversion |
combined form of subversion. |
antisubversive |
combined form of subversive. |
antisuicide |
combined form of suicide. |
antisyphilitic |
combined form of syphilitic. |
antitakeover |
combined form of takeover. |
antitank |
designed for use against tanks or other armored vehicles during combat. |
antitarnish |
combined form of tarnish. |
antitax |
combined form of tax. |
antitechnological |
combined form of technological. |
antitechnology |
combined form of technology. |
antiterrorism |
combined form of terrorism. |
antiterrorist |
combined form of terrorist. |
antitheft |
combined form of theft. |
antitheoretical |
combined form of theoretical. |
antithesis |
the exact opposite (usu. fol. by "to" or "of"). [2 definitions] |
antitobacco |
combined form of tobacco. |