Appalachia |
a region in the United States extending from southwestern Pennsylvania to northwestern Georgia and including the southern Appalachian Mountains. |
Appalachian |
of or pertaining to Appalachia. |
Appalachian Mountains |
mountain system in eastern North America extending from southeastern Canada to central Alabama in the United States; Appalachians. |
appall |
to cause to feel horror, shock, dismay, or the like. |
appalling |
causing shock, dismay, or consternation; frightful. |
appaloosa |
a hardy saddle horse of a breed developed in western North America, usu. having a spotted black and white hide. |
appanage |
a grant of land or revenue made by a king or queen to a dependent member of the royal family. [2 definitions] |
apparatus |
a machine or group of machines designed to accomplish a specific task. [2 definitions] |
apparel |
clothing, such as shirts, dresses, coats, and the like, esp. of a fine or decorative sort. [4 definitions] |
apparent |
visible, plain, or clearly seen. [3 definitions] |
apparently |
judging from all available information or visible evidence; seemingly. [2 definitions] |
apparition |
a ghostly image; phantom; specter. [2 definitions] |
appassionata |
with strong emotion; impassioned (used as a musical direction). |
appeal |
a sincere and earnest request or plea, usu. for aid or sympathy. [7 definitions] |
appealable |
combined form of appeal. |
appealing |
attracting interest, curiosity, or desire. |
appear |
to come into view; become visible. [5 definitions] |
appearance |
the act or an instance of appearing or coming into view. [4 definitions] |
appease |
to cause to become calmer or less agitated, esp. by satisfying demands or making concessions; placate. [2 definitions] |
appeasement |
the act of appeasing or state of being appeased. [2 definitions] |
appellant |
one who makes an appeal, esp. one who takes a case before a higher court for review. |