artillery |
mounted large-caliber weapons, such as cannons or rocket launchers, used in land warfare and manned by a crew. [3 definitions] |
artisan |
a person skilled in making things, esp. with the hands; craftsperson. |
artist |
a person who is skilled at painting, sculpting, music, writing, or the like. [3 definitions] |
artiste |
an artist, esp. a public performer such as a singer, dancer, or actor. [2 definitions] |
artistic |
of or relating to art or artists. [3 definitions] |
artistry |
the artistic quality of a product, or the artistic skill of a producer. [2 definitions] |
artless |
free of deceit and cunning; guileless. [3 definitions] |
art nouveau |
(sometimes cap.) a style of art in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, notable for motifs taken from nature and expressed with curved lines. |
art room |
a room in a school where art is taught and where art materials are kept. |
artsy-craftsy |
(informal) involving or given to arts and crafts. |
artwork |
pictorial or illustrative work, as for a book or a magazine article. [2 definitions] |
arty |
(informal) displaying an affected or ostentatious artistic manner or interest. |
arugula |
a plant of the mustard family having flat, green leaves that have a distinctive pungent taste and are often used as salad greens. |
arum |
any of a family of plants, such as jack-in-the-pulpit, with arrow-shaped leaves and bearing a flower, at the tip of a long spike, that is enclosed by a hoodlike leaf. [2 definitions] |
-ary |
a person, thing, or place associated with, belonging to, or pertaining to. [2 definitions] |
Aryan |
a person belonging to or claiming to be a descendant of the prehistoric peoples who spoke the hypothetical parent language of Indo-Europeans. [4 definitions] |
arytenoid |
of or pertaining to either of a pair of small cartilages at the back of the larynx to which the vocal chords are attached. [3 definitions] |
As |
symbol of the chemical element arsenic. |
as1 |
equally; to the same extent or degree. [11 definitions] |
as2 |
an ancient Roman unit of weight equal to approximately twelve ounces; libra. [2 definitions] |
as- |
to. |