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-ate1 to become, or to cause to become or have. [5 definitions]
-ate2 a salt or ester of any of certain acids.
Ate in Greek mythology, a personification of humans' wicked folly or blind ambition, that is punished by Nemesis.
ate past tense of eat.
at ease in the military, a standing position in which soldiers may relax but not leave formation or talk. [2 definitions]
atelier a workshop or studio of an artist or artisan.
a tempo in the same tempo as before (used as a musical direction after a slower or faster passage).
at every turn in every case or instance.
at fault responsible for mistakes or errors.
at first in the beginning, or on the first occasion.
at first blush when first observed; at first glance.
at full blast (informal) at maximum speed or capacity.
at full tilt at maximum speed.
at gunpoint under the threat of being shot.
Athabaskan a group of American Indian languages spoken by western tribes from Alaska and northwest Canada down through the coastal regions of Oregon and California. [3 definitions]
Athapaskan variant of Athabaskan.
atheism the belief that there is no God.
atheist one who believes that there is no god or gods.
Athena in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom, the arts, and strategic warfare; Minerva.
athenaeum an institution or society for the promotion of learning. [2 definitions]
Athenian of or pertaining to Athens or its inhabitants, culture, government, or the like (used esp. of classical Athens). [2 definitions]