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beth the name of the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
bethel a holy place or religious sanctuary. [2 definitions]
be there for (someone) to give one's support to (another), esp. during a difficult time for that person emotionally.
bethink to think about; consider (usu. used reflexively). [2 definitions]
Bethlehem a hill town north of Jerusalem in Israeli-occupied Jordan, traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus Christ.
betide to happen to; befall. [2 definitions]
betimes before the time that is necessary, expected, or customary; early.
be to do with (chiefly British) to be about or have a connection with; have to do with.
betoken to be a token or sign of.
betook past tense of "betake."
betray to be disloyal to; commit treason against. [5 definitions]
betrayal an act of disloyalty or faithlessness.
betrayed treated in a disloyal or unfaithful manner, often with deception or treachery.
betroth to pledge or give in marriage.
betrothal the act or fact of being mutually pledged to marry; engagement.
betrothed a person to whom one is engaged to be married. [2 definitions]
betta any of several small, brightly colored, long-finned freshwater fishes of tropical Asia, some species of which are kept as aquarium pets.
better comparative of "good." [14 definitions]
better half (informal) one's spouse, usu. the wife.
betterment the act or result of making something better; improvement. [2 definitions]
better off in improved or happier circumstances.