beyond question |
without any doubt. |
beyond the shadow of a doubt |
with absolute certainty; indeed. |
bezel |
the slanted or beveled edge of a cutting tool such as a chisel. [2 definitions] |
bezique |
a card game similar to pinochle but using two of each card higher than a six. |
B-girl |
a woman employed by a drinking establishment to act as a companion for male customers and entice them to buy expensive drinks. |
bhai |
a term of respect among Hindus meaning "brother." |
bhairavi |
a type of Indian classical raga, often performed at the end of a musical presentation. |
bhang |
the hemp plant of India. [2 definitions] |
B horizon |
the subsoil in a geologic soil profile, bearing a concentration of material leached from the topsoil. |
Bhutan |
an Asian country in the Himalayas, between India and China. |
Bi |
symbol of the chemical element bismuth. |
bi- |
two; both. [3 definitions] |
Biafra |
from 1967 to 1970, a secessionist state in Nigeria. |
biangular |
having two angles. |
biannual |
done or occurring twice a year; semiannual. |
bias |
an inclination or preference that influences judgment; prejudice. [8 definitions] |
biathlon |
an athletic competition combining cross-country skiing and sharpshooting events. |
biaxial |
having two axes. |
bib |
a piece of cloth tied under the chin and worn esp. by babies to protect the clothing during a meal. [2 definitions] |
bib and tucker |
(informal) clothing, esp. one's best garment or outfit. |
Bibb lettuce |
a variety of lettuce with a small round head of loose, tender, dark green leaves. |