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bichloride a chemical compound in which there are two atoms of chlorine for each atom of another element or group; dichloride.
bichloride of mercury see "mercuric chloride."
bichromate dichromate.
bicker to engage in a petty quarrel; squabble. [2 definitions]
bicolor having two colors.
biconcave concave on both surfaces, as a lens.
biconvex convex on both surfaces, as a lens.
bicultural of or displaying a blend of two different cultures in a single area.
bicuspid having two cusps or pointed ends, as certain teeth. [2 definitions]
bicycle a lightweight vehicle with two wheels one behind the other, handlebars for steering, pedals for locomotion, and a small saddlelike seat. (See cycle.) [2 definitions]
bicycle motocross a sport in which bicycles designed for rough terrain are raced on such terrain, or used in the performance of athletic feats such as jumps, spins, and flips.
bicycle pump a small pump used to inflate bicycle tires, esp. a hand-held pump that may be attached to a bicycle frame when not in use.
bicycle rickshaw a type of transportation originating in Asia, having three wheels and two passenger seats, and powered by a person pedaling; pedicab; cycle rickshaw.
bid to say to. [10 definitions]
biddable willing to do another's bidding; amenable; obedient. [2 definitions]
bidding direction; command. [2 definitions]
biddy1 a hen or young chicken.
biddy2 (informal) a fussy or talkative old woman.
bide to stay or remain. [2 definitions]
bidentate having two teeth or toothlike extensions.
bide one's time to wait for an opportunity.