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biorhythm an inherent rhythm or cycle in a biological function or process. [2 definitions]
bioscopy the medical examination of a body to establish whether it is dead or alive.
biosphere the part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms can exist.
biotech abbreviation of "biotechnology"; the use of living organisms, esp. cells and bacteria, to create useful products.
biotechnology the use of living organisms, esp. cells and bacteria, to create useful products.
biotic pertaining to life or living things.
biotin a compound considered part of the vitamin B complex, found in milk, egg yolks, and yeast.
biotite a mica commonly found in igneous and metamorphic rock, ranging in color from dark green or brown to black, and containing iron, magnesium, potassium, and aluminum.
bipartisan composed of, representing, or supported by two parties or factions, esp. two political parties.
bipartite composed of or divided into two parts. [2 definitions]
biped a two-footed animal. [2 definitions]
bipedalism the condition of having two feet or of using two feet for locomotion.
bipetalous having two petals.
biphenyl diphenyl.
bipinnate having opposing leaflets that are in turn divided into smaller opposing leaflets, as certain compound leaves.
biplane an early type of airplane with two sets of wings mounted one above the other.
bipolar having two poles, as a planet. [2 definitions]
biracial composed of or representing two races, such as black and white.
birch a deciduous tree or shrub with close-grained, hard wood and smooth bark that can be peeled off. [5 definitions]
bird a warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrate animal with wings and feathers, which usu. has the ability to fly. [5 definitions]
birdbath a basin for wild birds to bathe in, often an ornamental structure manufactured for this purpose.