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bull's-eye the center of a target, usu. marked with a circle. [3 definitions]
bullshit (vulgar slang) lies, exaggerations, boasts, or the like. [5 definitions]
bull terrier any of a breed of dog developed as a cross between the bulldog and the terrier, having a short, light-colored coat.
bullwhip a long rawhide whip with a plaited lash and a knotted end. [2 definitions]
bully1 someone who repeatedly harasses and intimidates those weaker than himself. [5 definitions]
bully2 a form of beef preserved by pickling or canning; bully beef.
bullyrag to bully, abuse, or intimidate.
bulrush any of various plants that grow in marshes or swamps, such as cattail, rushes, and papyrus.
bulwark a wall or wall-like structure, often made of earth and used for defense; rampart. [4 definitions]
bum (informal) a poor, homeless person; tramp. [5 definitions]
bumble1 to act or speak clumsily or blunderingly. [2 definitions]
bumble2 to make a humming sound like that of a bee; buzz.
bumblebee any of various large, furry bees that emit a loud hum when flying or hovering.
bummer (slang) any unpleasant or unsatisfactory experience or thing.
bump to collide with (something) with a moderately forceful impact; thump. [7 definitions]
bumper anything that bumps. [7 definitions]
bumper car one of a number of miniature electric cars that are part of an amusement at a fair or carnival. People ride in the cars and try to bump into other cars or escape from being bumped. The cars are designed to be safe and enjoyable for the riders, most of whom are children.
bumper sticker a usu. rectangular piece of laminated paper printed with a slogan, aphorism, advertisement, or the like that may be stuck to the bumper of an automobile.
bumper-to-bumper of automobile traffic, closely packed and usu. slow-moving.
bump into to meet by accident or chance.
bumpkin1 an ignorant, clumsy, uncultured person from a rural area; yokel.