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bush jacket a hip-length coat made of cotton, usu. having several buttoned pockets and a belt.
bush league (informal) the minor leagues in U.S. baseball.
bush-league (informal) pertaining to a second-rate group or sphere of activity. [2 definitions]
bush leaguer (informal) someone associated with a bush-league group or sphere of activity. [2 definitions]
bushman (cap.) a member of a nomadic aboriginal tribe of southwest Africa. [2 definitions]
bushmaster a large, poisonous, tropical American snake.
bushranger in Australia, a bandit who lives in the bush.
bushwhack to advance through a forest by cutting away low vegetation. [2 definitions]
bushy resembling a bush; thick and shaggy. [2 definitions]
business the activity or profession of buying and/or selling goods or services. [9 definitions]
business college a school that offers instruction in business-related skills, such as typing, bookkeeping, and business administration.
business envelope an envelope that will enclose a sheet of paper eight and a half inches wide that has been folded twice lengthwise.
businesslike having qualities useful in business; serious; efficient; systematic.
businessman a man who works in business or commerce.
businesspeople people who work in business or commerce.
businessperson a person who works in business or commerce, esp. an executive or manager.
businesswoman a woman who works in business or commerce.
busing in the United States, the transportation of school children in buses to schools that are not the nearest to their homes, esp. in order to achieve racial balance.
busk to play music, sing, or otherwise perform for entertainment in streets or other public areas, usually in order to obtain money through the donations of passers-by.
busker a person who plays music, sings, or otherwise performs for entertainment in streets or other public areas, usually in order to obtain money through the donations of passers-by.
buskin a boot, open in front and at the toes, that is secured with laces and that reaches halfway up the calf.