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carsick suffering from motion sickness during car travel.
Carson City the capital of Nevada.
cart a heavy, two-wheeled, open vehicle drawn by horse, mule, or oxen and used to transport goods. [6 definitions]
cartage the conveyance of goods by cart. [2 definitions]
carte blanche unrestricted authority, freedom, or discretion.
carte du jour (French) menu.
cartel an international group of independent businesses formed to control production and prices and to restrict competition in certain business enterprises. [2 definitions]
Cartesian of or pertaining to Descartes or his philosophy or mathematics. [2 definitions]
Cartesian coordinates a pair of coordinates for locating a point on a plane by its distances from two intersecting, usu. perpendicular lines. [2 definitions]
Carthage an ancient Phoenician city-state founded in the ninth century B.C. near the site of modern Tunis and destroyed in 146 B.C. by the Romans.
Carthusian a member of a very strict, contemplative Roman Catholic monastic order founded in the eleventh century.
cartilage a tough, white, elastic connective tissue forming a major component of the skeletons of fetuses and young vertebrates, and turning largely to bone as the organism matures. [2 definitions]
cartilaginous of, pertaining to, or like cartilage. [2 definitions]
cartload the capacity or contents of a cart.
cartography the art or technique of producing maps.
carton a box made of thick paper, sometimes coated, or of plastic, made to hold one particular type of product. [2 definitions]
cartoon a drawing or series of drawings, usu. with written or spoken commentary or dialogue, and usu. humorous or satirical in nature; caricature; comic strip. [5 definitions]
cartoonist one who draws cartoons, esp. as one's job.
cartridge a tubular case for an explosive charge or bullet. [4 definitions]
cartridge clip a metal container or frame used to hold and load cartridges into an automatic rifle or pistol; clip.
cartwheel a sideways somersault with the arms and legs extended like wheel spokes. [2 definitions]