cleanable |
combined form of clean. |
clean and jerk |
a weightlifting movement in which the barbell is lifted from the floor and, in one continuous movement, raised over the head with the arms fully extended upward. |
clean bill of health |
(informal) an affirmation of satisfactory condition, qualification, or the like. |
clean-cut |
having a neat, regular, well-defined shape or outline. [2 definitions] |
cleaner |
someone or something that cleans. [2 definitions] |
clean-handed |
free of responsibility or guilt; blameless. |
clean house |
to force out all undesired people or things. |
cleaning |
clothing or other articles taken to a dry-cleaning establishment. |
cleanliness |
the condition of being clean, or not dirty; the habit of always keeping clean. |
cleanly |
always personally clean. [2 definitions] |
clean out |
(informal) to rid (someone) of money. [2 definitions] |
clean room |
an enclosed space kept as free as possible of any contaminants such as dust or germs, as for the production of highly sensitive precision parts. |
cleanse |
to make clean; remove dirt from. [2 definitions] |
cleanser |
a liquid or powdered substance used for cleaning, esp. pots, household appliances, and surfaces. |
clean-shaven |
hairless or without facial hair, as from recent shaving. |
clean slate |
an honorable record. [2 definitions] |
cleanup |
a process of making thoroughly clean, socially acceptable, or free from imperfection. |
clean up |
to wash or clean (something). [4 definitions] |
clean up one's act |
(informal) to improve one's performance or behavior. |
clear |
free of clouds or haze. [22 definitions] |
clearable |
combined form of clear. |