collect |
to gather together or assemble. [8 definitions] |
collectable |
combined form of collect. |
collected |
in control; self-possessed; calm. [2 definitions] |
collectible |
likely to be collected, as by a connoisseur or hobbyist. [2 definitions] |
collection |
the act of collecting. [3 definitions] |
collective |
formed by collecting; combined to make a whole. [4 definitions] |
collective bargaining |
the bargaining process that occurs between organized workers and their employer to reach an agreement on wages, benefits, hours, and working conditions. |
collective unconscious |
in Jungian psychology, the memories and other psychic contents that are accumulated by the experience of all preceding generations and that dwell within the unconscious mind of each individual. |
collectivism |
the doctrine or practice of centralized economic control, esp. of the means of production. [3 definitions] |
collectivization |
the act or process of organizing or reorganizing an economy, business, or industry based on collective ownership and joint control of the means of production and distribution. |
collectivize |
to organize or reorganize (an economy, business, or industry) based on collective ownership and control of the means of production and distribution. |
collect on delivery |
a method of ordering or shipping goods in which payment is made, usu. in cash, when the goods are delivered; c.o.d. [2 definitions] |
collector |
a person who collects money such as fees or taxes. [3 definitions] |
collector's item |
an object that might have especial value or interest for a collector, usu. because it is rare or unusual. |
colleen |
a girl or young woman of Irish nationality or descent. |
college |
a school or institution of higher learning beyond the level of high school, usu. providing education in general studies or liberal arts. [3 definitions] |
College of Cardinals |
the organized body of cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church that elects the Pope and helps him govern the church. |
college try |
(informal) an enthusiastic, energetic effort. |
collegial |
with authority and responsibility shared equally among colleagues. [2 definitions] |
collegian |
someone who attends or has recently graduated from college. |
collegiate |
pertaining to a college or college students. |