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coming-of-age arrival at maturity, prominence, or respectability.
Comintern see "Third International."
comity mutual courtesy and respectful treatment among people or nations.
comity of nations the courteous recognition of different nations for each other's laws and institutions. [2 definitions]
comma a punctuation mark (,) used to separate words, phrases, or other elements in a sentence, particulars in a list, or thousands in written numerals, or to indicate a pause, as in poetry.
comma bacillus the comma-shaped bacterium that causes Asiatic cholera.
command to forcefully order or direct. [12 definitions]
commandable combined form of command.
commandant the commanding officer of a military post or of a military organization such as the U.S. Marine Corps.
commandeer to force (a civilian) into, or seize (goods) for, the military. [2 definitions]
commander one who leads and controls. [3 definitions]
commander in chief (often caps.) the person in charge of all the armed forces of a nation. [2 definitions]
commanding having a domineering or authoritative air; imposing. [3 definitions]
commanding officer a military officer in charge of a unit or installation.
commandment an order or directive. [2 definitions]
commando a small, specially trained military unit used for surprise assaults on enemy-held territory. [2 definitions]
command performance a performance of a play, opera, concert, or the like that is given in response to a royal request or command.
command post the headquarters from which a commander directs a military unit.
commedia dell'arte a type of Italian comedy developed in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries in which masked players depicted stereotyped characters in stock situations.
comme il faut (French) according to convention; as it should be; properly.
commemorate to serve as a reminder of or memorial to. [2 definitions]