commodious |
comfortably spacious; roomy. |
commodities trade |
the purchase and sale of raw goods, such as agricultural products or materials derived from natural resources, that have uniform value across an economic market, as opposed to the purchase and sale of services or branded products. |
commodity |
something with a practical use or value. [2 definitions] |
commodity dollar |
a proposed unit of currency whose value would vary according to an official index of key commodity prices. |
commodore |
in the U.S. Navy until 1899 and again during World War II, a commissioned naval officer ranked below a rear admiral and above a captain. [2 definitions] |
common |
associated with all sides or with all members of a group. [9 definitions] |
commonality |
the common people, as opposed to those of the upper classes; commonalty. [2 definitions] |
commonalty |
the common people, as opposed to those of the upper classes; commonality. [3 definitions] |
common carrier |
a person or company that transports cargo or passengers at standard fees. |
common cold |
a common viral respiratory infection, accompanied by nasal congestion, sore throat, coughing, and the like; cold. |
common courtesy |
something generally done or said in a given situation in order to be considerate or polite. |
common denominator |
a number that is a common multiple of the denominators of more than one fraction. [2 definitions] |
commoner |
one of the common people, as opposed to the aristocracy or the upper classes. |
Common Era |
see "Christian Era." |
common fraction |
a fraction represented by a numerator, above a horizontal or diagonal line, and a denominator below. (Cf. decimal fraction.) |
common law |
law based on custom or usage and on court decisions and opinions, rather than on statute. (Cf. statute law.) |
common-law marriage |
a marriage not contracted through a religious or civil ceremony but recognized as legal after the partners have lived together for a legally specified period of time. |
commonly |
ordinarily; usually. [2 definitions] |
Common Market |
an economic association of major western European countries mainly designed to eliminate tariffs on trade among member nations and establish uniform tariffs on goods from other countries; European Economic Community. [2 definitions] |
common noun |
a noun, such as "boy," "poodle," or "town," that refers to a class, or to an unspecified member of a class, of persons, places, things, or the like, and that is often preceded by an article. (Cf. proper noun.) |
commonplace |
unremarkable or ordinary. [4 definitions] |