complication |
the act of complicating. [3 definitions] |
complicit |
participating in wrongdoing or suspicious activity, or acting in association with those who are involved in such activities. |
complicity |
participation in wrongdoing, esp. in a crime. |
compliment |
an expression of praise, admiration, or approval. [5 definitions] |
complimentary |
expressing or conveying a compliment. [2 definitions] |
compline |
the last of the seven canonical hours in Christian worship, or the accompanying service. |
comply |
to act in agreement with or obedience to a wish, request, requirement, or rule (often fol. by "with"). |
compo |
a composite material, such as mortar or concrete. |
component |
a part or element of a whole; constituent. [2 definitions] |
comport |
to behave or bear (oneself) in a particular way. [2 definitions] |
comportment |
conduct or bearing; manner of behaving. |
compose |
to form or combine into a whole. [6 definitions] |
compose a number |
in mathematics education, to add together different place values to make a complete number. For example, to compose the number 231, you would add the three place values that make up this number, a 200, a 30, and a 1. |
compose a ten |
in mathematics education, to determine what number must be added to another number to make a total of ten. |
composed |
in a calm and collected state; serene. |
composer |
one who composes, esp. music. |
composing stick |
a hand-held, adjustable metal tray in which a compositor sets type. |
composite |
composed of separate elements or factors. [5 definitions] |
composite photograph |
a single photograph created from two or more separate photographs by juxtaposition, superimposition, or the like. |
composition |
the act of composing. [7 definitions] |
compositor |
one who sets up type for printing; typesetter. |