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conscript to enroll by force of law in military service; draft. [3 definitions]
conscription compulsory enrollment in military service.
consecrate to dedicate to the service or worship of a deity; make or declare sacred. [3 definitions]
consecutive following one after another without interruption; in unbroken order. [2 definitions]
consensual caused or done by consent, esp. mutual consent. [2 definitions]
consensus general agreement in opinions, values, preferences, or the like. [2 definitions]
consent to give agreement, approval, or permission (often fol. by "to"). [3 definitions]
consequence that which follows; result. [3 definitions]
consequent following as a consequence or result. [3 definitions]
consequential coming after as an outcome, result, or consequence. [3 definitions]
consequently as a result; therefore; accordingly.
conservancy a conserving, esp. of natural resources. [2 definitions]
conservation the act of preserving and protecting from loss, destruction, or waste. [2 definitions]
conservationist a person who promotes and encourages preservation, esp. of natural resources.
conservation of energy a principle of physics that asserts that the total energy in a closed system remains constant regardless of changes in the system.
conservation of matter a principle of physics that asserts that the total matter in a closed system remains constant, regardless of changes in the system.
conservatism a political preference for maintaining established institutions and customs and changing only gradually, or the acts and practices resulting from this preference. [2 definitions]
conservative preferring the traditional and resisting rapid change. [7 definitions]
conservatoire a school or academy for the arts; conservatory.
conservator one who guards or preserves from harm or decay; custodian. [2 definitions]
conservatory a school of music or drama. [3 definitions]