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contention a struggle between or among people or ideas; strife; argument. [3 definitions]
contentious inclined to argue; quarrelsome; belligerent. [2 definitions]
contentment the state of being content or satisfied.
contents things that are inside something.
conterminous having a common boundary, such that each ends where the other begins. [2 definitions]
contessa (Italian) countess.
contest a struggle for superiority or victory. [5 definitions]
contestable combined form of contest.
contestant one who participates in a contest; competitor. [2 definitions]
context the language surrounding a particular usage of a word, phrase, or sentence, or the situation in which the piece of language is used. [2 definitions]
contextless combined form of context.
contextual of, belonging to, or depending on a context.
contextualize to put into a context, or provide a context for.
contiguity the state of being contiguous; nearness; proximity. [2 definitions]
contiguous in contact; touching; adjoining. [2 definitions]
continence moderation or self-restraint, esp. in sexual activity. [2 definitions]
continent one of the earth's major land masses, such as North America, Australia, or Antarctica. [3 definitions]
continental of or pertaining to a continent. [6 definitions]
continental breakfast a light breakfast, usu. consisting of rolls or pastries and coffee or tea, like that eaten in most European countries.
Continental Congress the revolutionary assembly, made up of landed representatives of the American colonies, that met between 1774 and 1789 to work out a plan of government and adopted both the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.
continental divide an extensive ridge of mountains on a continent that separates river systems flowing in opposite directions.