countermove |
a move made in order to oppose or retaliate. [2 definitions] |
countermovement |
combined form of movement. |
countermyth |
combined form of myth. |
counteroffensive |
a military attack undertaken to frustrate an enemy attack. |
counterorder |
combined form of order. |
counterpane |
something, such as a quilt, used to cover a bed; bedspread. |
counterpart |
someone or something that is similar or identical to another. [3 definitions] |
counterperson |
a person who serves customers from behind a counter, as in a diner or cafeteria. |
counterpetition |
combined form of petition. |
counterpicket |
combined form of picket. |
counterplay |
combined form of play. |
counterplayer |
combined form of player. |
counterplot |
a plot to prevent or counteract another plot. [4 definitions] |
counterploy |
combined form of ploy. |
counterpoint |
a method of composing or arranging music in which diverse but harmonious melodies are played at the same time. [3 definitions] |
counterpoise |
any force or influence, such as a weight or a point in an argument, that exactly balances another; counterbalance. [3 definitions] |
counterpower |
combined form of power. |
counterpressure |
combined form of pressure. |
counterproject |
combined form of project. |
counterpropaganda |
combined form of propaganda. |
counterproposal |
a proposal made to respond to or cancel out another proposal. |