cumulus |
a large, puffy, white cloud with a flat base. [2 definitions] |
cuneate |
shaped like a wedge. [2 definitions] |
cuneiform |
in the shape of a wedge. [4 definitions] |
cunning |
adept at subtle or deceptive planning or action; crafty; shrewd. [4 definitions] |
cunt |
(vulgar) the vulva or vagina. [3 definitions] |
cup |
a small, wide-mouthed container used for drinking such things as coffee or tea. [7 definitions] |
cupbearer |
someone who pours and serves cups of wine, as in a royal household. |
cupboard |
a cabinet with shelves designed for storage of food, dishes, clothing, or the like. |
cupcake |
a little cake baked in a mold roughly the size and shape of a cup. |
cupful |
the quantity that fills one cup; cup. |
Cupid |
in Roman mythology, the god of love; Amor; Eros. [2 definitions] |
cupidity |
exceptional desire for money or other material possessions; greed. |
cup of tea |
someone or something that is particularly well liked by or well suited to one (often used in the negative to express dislike). |
cupola |
a dome, esp. one that covers all or or more than the top of the structure upon which it sits. [2 definitions] |
cuppa |
(chiefly British; informal) cup of tea. |
cupping |
a therapeutic procedure of former times in which a cup was placed over skin and a partial vacuum formed in it to draw blood to or out of the skin, used to treat ailments like internal congestion. |
cupreous |
composed of or resembling copper; coppery. |
cupric |
of or composed of copper, esp. divalent copper. |
cupro- |
copper. |
cupronickel |
an alloy of copper containing nickel, used to make coins and hardware. |
cuprous |
of or composed of monovalent copper. |