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decorticate to husk, debark, or peel. [2 definitions]
decorum properness of behavior, manner, appearance, or the like; dignity; propriety.
decoupage the technique of decorating something with cut-out pictures on paper or other material, covered by a flat finish or varnish. [3 definitions]
decoy something or someone used to lure, entice, or misdirect, as into danger or a trap, esp. an artificial bird or animal used to lure live birds or animals within gunshot or into a trap. [3 definitions]
decrease to become less in number, amount, size, strength, or the like; diminish. [4 definitions]
decree an official and authoritative order or decision, esp. by a ruler or government. [3 definitions]
decrement the act or process of gradually decreasing or lessening. [2 definitions]
decrepit in poor condition because of old age or much use; dilapidated; worn-out.
decrepitude a weakened, feeble, or dilapidated condition, esp. owing to long use or old age.
decrescendo gradually decreasing in loudness, force, or intensity (usu. used as a musical direction). (Cf. crescendo.) [5 definitions]
decrescent decreasing or waning, as the moon.
decretal containing, having the nature of, or pertaining to a decree or decrees. [2 definitions]
decretory of, pertaining to, or following a decree. [2 definitions]
decriminalize to make legal; eliminate criminal penalties for.
decry to express strong disapproval of; disparage; condemn.
decumbent leaning or lying down; reclining. [2 definitions]
decuple ten times as great or many; tenfold. [4 definitions]
dedicate to set apart or declare to be for a special use or purpose, as a worthy cause, public benefit, or sacred activities. [5 definitions]
dedicated committed to a cause or undertaking and devoting great energy, effort, or time to it. [4 definitions]
dedication an act or ceremony of dedicating or of being dedicated. [4 definitions]
dedifferentiation a stage in the regeneration of some tissue, in which specialized cells revert to primitive cells to produce a blastema.