deuteron |
a particle composed of one proton and one neutron that is equivalent to the nucleus of a deuterium atom and that has a positive charge. |
Deuteronomy |
the fifth book of the Old Testament, which contains a restatement and exposition of the laws of Moses, his addresses to the Israelites, and an account of his last days. |
deutsche mark |
deutsche mark or deutsche marks (deutschemark or deutschemarks) [2 definitions] |
devaluate |
to decrease the value of. [2 definitions] |
devalue |
to decrease or annul the value, worth, or importance of. [2 definitions] |
devastate |
to ravage or lay waste, as by war or natural disaster. [2 definitions] |
devastated |
laid to waste; severely damaged. [2 definitions] |
devastating |
causing devastation or great upset. |
devastation |
the act or an instance of destroying or ruining, or the destruction or ruin thus caused. |
devein |
to remove the vein from the back of (a shrimp). |
develop |
to bring out the potential of; advance to a more complete or more effective condition. [10 definitions] |
developable |
combined form of develop. |
developer |
someone engaged in buying land and developing it for housing, businesses, recreation, or the like. [2 definitions] |
developing |
gaining in size, maturity, or complexity. [2 definitions] |
development |
the process of developing or bringing to a completed state. [4 definitions] |
developmental |
of, pertaining to, or constituting development. [4 definitions] |
Devi |
a Hindu mother goddess. [2 definitions] |
deviant |
different from the average or accepted norm. [2 definitions] |
deviate |
to turn away from a direct or prescribed course. [6 definitions] |
deviation |
difference or divergence, as from a typical pattern, accepted social norms, political orthodoxy, or the like. [3 definitions] |
device |
something designed or made for a specific purpose, esp. an invention or machine used to perform simple tasks mechanically or electrically. [3 definitions] |