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digital citizen a person who uses information technology to connect with society and the world.
digital clock a clock that displays the time as digits rather than by hands on a dial.
digital computer the type of computer in widest use, that represents data as discrete electrical signals and operates at high speed. (Cf. analog computer.)
digitalis the foxglove or any of several related plants. [2 definitions]
digital versatile disc an optical storage format for digital data, resembling a compact disc but with greater storage capacity; digital video disc; DVD.
digital video disc an optical storage format for digital data, or the physical disc that the data is stored on, resembling a compact disc but with greater storage capacity; DVD. [2 definitions]
digitate having fingers or toes. [2 definitions]
digitization the process of converting data to digital form.
digitize to convert to digital form.
dignified characterized by dignity of manner or expression; stately.
dignify to give honor or prestige to. [2 definitions]
dignitary one who holds a high office or rank.
dignity one's sense of worth; pride or self-respect, esp. as manifested in one's bearing or behavior. [3 definitions]
dig out to find by searching.
digraph a pair of letters representing a single sound, such as "sh" in "shine".
digress to stray from the main topic; ramble.
digression the act or result of straying from the main topic.
digressive tending to digress or depart from the main subject.
dihedral formed by or having two intersecting planes. [2 definitions]
dihydrotestosterone an androgenic hormone derived from testosterone.
dik-dik any of several extremely small African antelopes.