disloyalty |
the quality, or an instance or act, of being disloyal, treacherous, or traitorous. |
dismal |
cheerless or depressing; gloomy. [2 definitions] |
dismantle |
to tear down; take apart. [2 definitions] |
dismay |
to trouble or disillusion. [4 definitions] |
dismember |
to sever or tear the members or limbs from. [2 definitions] |
dismiss |
to send away or allow to go away. [4 definitions] |
dismissal |
an act or instance of dismissing. [2 definitions] |
dismount |
to get down from a horse or vehicle. [4 definitions] |
Disneyland |
a theme park in Anaheim, California, the only one of the eleven worldwide Disney theme parks to be personally developed by Walt Disney. |
disobedience |
the act of refusing or failing to obey. |
disobedient |
refusing or neglecting to obey. |
disobey |
to fail or refuse to obey. |
disoblige |
to neglect to tend to, or to go against the wishes of. [2 definitions] |
disorder |
lack of order; disarrangement. [5 definitions] |
disordered |
in a condition of confusion or disarrangement. [2 definitions] |
disorderly |
disarranged or untidy. [3 definitions] |
disorderly conduct |
a minor legal offense against public order or morality, such as creating a disturbance. |
disorganize |
to upset or destroy the organization, order, or systematic arrangement of. |
disorganized |
lacking order or systematic arrangement; disorderly. [2 definitions] |
disorient |
to cause to lose one's bearings or sense of direction. [2 definitions] |
disown |
to deny a relationship with or ownership of; repudiate. |