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drove2 a group of animals driven, or gathered for driving, as a herd; flock. [3 definitions]
drover someone who drives animals, esp. sheep or cattle, to a place where they can be sold.
drown to die from lack of oxygen as the result of submersion in a liquid, esp. water. [4 definitions]
drown out to cover up the sound of with a louder sound.
drowse to be nearly asleep. [3 definitions]
drowsy being on the point of falling asleep. [3 definitions]
drub to beat, as with a stick or club. [3 definitions]
drubbing a sound beating or defeat, as in an athletic contest.
drudge someone who works at a boring, repetitious, physically demanding, or menial job. [2 definitions]
drudgery hard, boring, menial, or unpleasant work.
drug a chemical substance used to cure or heal; medicine. [5 definitions]
drug abuse the use of illegal drugs, especially in a habitual or harmful way, or the use of any drug in doses or for purposes outside their intended medical use.
drug addict one who is physically dependent on regular doses of one or more narcotics.
druggist one who is licensed to prepare and sell prescription drugs; pharmacist.
drug resistance the reduction in effectiveness of a drug in curing an infectious disease or cancer. Drug resistance typically develops when pathogenic cells or cancerous cells evolve the ability to tolerate a drug used to kill them.
drug-resistant of or relating to a pathogen or cancer that has evolved the ability to tolerate a drug.
drugstore in the United States, a store that sells prescription drugs, as well as other items such as vitamins, hair care products, cosmetics, candy, and magazines.
drug test a test of the body to discover if a person is using drugs that are illegal.
drug-trafficking dealing in the production, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs, esp. the transporting of drugs into countries where they are prohibited.
druid (often cap.) a member of a priestly order in ancient Celtic lands, such as Gauland the British Isles.
drum any of various hollow musical percussion instruments consisting of a cylindrical body covered at one or both ends by a tight membrane, and played by beating with sticks or the hands. [10 definitions]