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dryly in a matter-of-fact manner.
dry measure a system of units for measuring the volume of dry things such as grains or fruits.
dryness the quality or condition of being dry. [3 definitions]
dry nurse a woman employed to care for another's baby but not to breast-feed it. (Cf. wet nurse.)
dry-nurse to care for (another's baby) without breast-feeding it. (Cf. wet-nurse.)
dry off to make the surface of something dry. [2 definitions]
dry out to lose the moisture that is inside. [3 definitions]
drypoint an engraving technique, used esp. on copper, in which furrows are incised with a hard steel needle so as to leave a burr at the sides for a softer outline. [2 definitions]
dry rot a fungus decay of seasoned timber that causes it to become brittle and crumble into a dry powder, or the fungus causing this decay. [3 definitions]
dry run (informal) a military exercise without live ammunition. [2 definitions]
dry up to become completely dry, evaporate so as to cause shrinking or disappearance. [3 definitions]
dry wall a prefabricated wall or panel made of plaster dried between paper sheets or boards; wallboard.
D.S. abbreviation of "dal segno," from the sign (used in music as a direction to return to the point so marked and repeat a passage).
DSC abbreviation of "Distinguished Service Cross."
DST abbreviation of "daylight saving time," standard time that has been advanced by one hour in a given time zone, usu. in the spring and lasting into the fall, in order to provide one more hour of daylight at the end of each day.
d.t.'s abbreviation of "delirium tremens," a condition caused by chronic excessive drinking of alcohol and characterized by hallucinations, trembling, and anxiety.
dual of or relating to two, esp. having two, often identical, components, people, sections, or the like; double. [2 definitions]
dual carriageway (chiefly British) a highway divided by a strip of land, with two lanes on either side used by traffic moving in opposite directions; divided highway.
dualism the state of being twofold; duality. [3 definitions]
dualize to make or conceive of as dual.
dual-purpose serving or designed to serve two purposes; meant to have two functions.