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effendi a Turkish title of respect meaning "sir" or "mister".
efferent in physiology, carrying or directing away from an organ. (Cf. afferent.) [2 definitions]
effervesce of a liquid, to emit tiny bubbles, hiss, and foam as gas is released. [2 definitions]
effervescence the fizzing or bubbling in a liquid that emits tiny popping gas bubbles, often as a result of fermentation or carbonation. [2 definitions]
effervescent emitting tiny gas bubbles; foaming; bubbly. [2 definitions]
effete lacking healthy vigor or effectiveness; worn out. [2 definitions]
efficacious causing or capable of causing a desired result; effectual; effective.
efficacy the ability to produce desired results; effectiveness.
efficiency the state of being efficient. [3 definitions]
efficiency apartment a small, sometimes furnished apartment usu. containing one large room with a kitchenette and an attached bathroom.
efficient operating or performing in an effective and competent manner, with little waste of effort or resources. [2 definitions]
efficiently in an effective and competent manner, with little waste of effort or resources.
effigy a likeness of a person, usu. sculpted, as on a tomb. [2 definitions]
effloresce to flower vigorously; bloom. [2 definitions]
efflorescence the condition, time, or process of blooming or flowering. [5 definitions]
effluence the act or process of flowing out. [2 definitions]
effluent flowing forth. [3 definitions]
effluvium an outflow of usu. invisible, foul-smelling vapor or gas.
effort the exertion of physical or mental energy. [4 definitions]
effortless requiring or appearing to require little or no effort; easy.
effrontery shameless impudence; insolence. [2 definitions]