abbreviation of "equal opportunity employer." |
eolian |
of sand or rock matter, carried, produced, or formed by the wind. |
eolithic |
of, relating to, or designating the earliest period of human culture, characterized by the first use of stone tools. |
eon |
in geology, the longest division of time, encompassing two or more eras. [2 definitions] |
eosin |
a red crystalline powder, used in staining tissues for microscopic viewing, in coloring gasoline, and in ink manufacturing. |
-eous |
resembling; of the nature of; -ous. |
abbreviation of "Environmental Protection Agency." |
epaulet |
an ornamental shoulder strap or board, sometimes with fringes, as on some military uniforms. |
épée |
a fencing sword having a three-sided blade and a blunt circular tip guard. |
eph- |
on; upon. |
ephedrine |
a drug used to treat respiratory ailments such as asthma or nasal congestion. |
ephemeral |
lasting for only a short period. [3 definitions] |
ephemerid |
see "mayfly." |
ephemeris |
a table or a collection of tables giving the projected positions of celestial bodies for every day of a certain period. |
Ephesians |
a book of the New Testament, consisting of a letter written by the apostle Paul to the Christians of Ephesus. |
ephod |
a richly embroidered vestment worn by the Jewish clergy in ancient times. |
epi- |
on; upon. [3 definitions] |
epiblast |
the outer layer of cells of a developing embryo that later becomes the ectoderm, but that also contains cells capable of becoming the mesoderm or endoderm. [2 definitions] |
epic |
referring or pertaining to a long poem that celebrates a hero or heroes and recounts their deeds in a grand style. [5 definitions] |
epicalyx |
in certain flowers, a ring of small modified leaves resembling the calyx. |
epicanthus |
a fold of skin covering the inner corner of the eye, common in many Asiatic peoples, and also occurring in some abnormal conditions such as Down's syndrome. |