espy |
to catch sight of, esp. at a distance. |
Esq. |
abbreviation of "Esquire." |
-esque |
in the style or manner of; having a quality of. |
esquire |
(cap.) an unofficial title of respect, usu. placed in its abbreviated form after a full name, esp. a lawyer's name. [4 definitions] |
-ess |
female. |
essay |
a short, usu. prose literary work that expresses the writer's ideas, feelings, and opinions on a particular subject. [4 definitions] |
essayist |
one who writes essays. |
esse |
(Latin) to be; existence or essence; being. |
essence |
the inherent qualities that make something what it is; crucial ingredients; central nature. [4 definitions] |
Essene |
a member of an ascetic Jewish sect of mystics that existed from the second century B.C. to the second century A.D. |
essential |
fundamental; necessary; indispensable. [4 definitions] |
essentialism |
the educational doctrine that certain traditional values and skills are necessary elements of society and should be taught to all students. |
essentially |
at the core; when the most important part is considered. |
essential oil |
any rapidly evaporating oil that gives a characteristic odor or flavor to a plant, flower, or fruit, used in making perfumes, flavorings, and the like. |
essonite |
a brown or yellow type of garnet; cinnamon stone. |
-est |
used to form the superlative degree of many adjectives and adverbs. |
abbreviation of "Eastern Standard Time," the standard time used in the eastern region of the United States, five hours behind Greenwich time. |
est.1 |
abbreviation of "established," found or brought into being on a firm or stable basis. |
est.2 |
abbreviation of "estimated," calculated approximate amount, size, or value of. |
establish |
to found or bring into being on a firm or stable basis. [3 definitions] |
establishable |
combined form of establish. |