fell3 |
fierce or ruthless. [2 definitions] |
fell4 |
an animal hide; pelt. |
fella |
(informal) fellow; a man or boy, often a friend, boyfriend, or associate. |
fellah |
a native peasant or farm worker in Arab countries. |
fellatio |
oral stimulation of the penis. |
felloe |
see "felly." |
fellow |
a man or boy. [7 definitions] |
fellow-man |
a fellow member of the human race. |
fellowship |
the condition of being fellows. [4 definitions] |
fellow traveler |
one who does not belong to a group, esp. the Communist party, but supports or espouses its doctrines and aims; sympathizer (used as a derogatory label). |
felly |
the rim of a wheel with spokes. |
felon1 |
a person who has committed a serious crime, such as murder, rape, or burglary; one who has committed a felony. |
felon2 |
a serious infection of the finger or toe, usu. near the nail. |
felonious |
of, related to, or having the nature of a felony. |
felony |
any of several crimes, such as murder, rape, or burglary, defined by law as serious and punishable by a more stringent sentence than a misdemeanor. |
felt1 |
past tense and past participle of feel. |
felt2 |
a non-woven fabric made of matted, compressed animal fibers, another matted fabric resembling it, or an article made of it. [6 definitions] |
felucca |
a small, narrow boat with one or two lateen sails, used on the Mediterranean and the Nile. |
fem. |
abbreviation of "feminine." |
female |
any human being or animal of the sex that produces eggs or conceives and bears young. [4 definitions] |
feminine |
of or relating to a woman or girl; of the female sex. [4 definitions] |