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fennel a perennial Eurasian herb cultivated for its aromatic seeds, which are used as a seasoning. [2 definitions]
fentanyl a potent, fast-acting synthetic opioid that is used pharmacologically for pain relief and is also used illicitly.
-fer one that bears; bearing.
feral existing in a wild natural state; not domesticated. [3 definitions]
fer-de-lance a large, venomous snake of Central and South America.
Ferdinand Magellan a Portuguese navigator who discovered the Strait of Magellan and the Philippines (b.1480?--d.1521).
fermata in music, the holding of a tone or rest, at the discretion of the performer, longer than its value expresses. [2 definitions]
ferment any of various substances, such as an enzyme or yeast, that cause fermentation. [8 definitions]
fermentable combined form of ferment.
fermentation the chemical act or process, caused by a fermenting agent, of converting a carbohydrate into alcohol, acids, and other compounds, as yeast converts the sugar in grape juice into alcohol, producing wine. [2 definitions]
fermi a unit of length equal to 10-15 meter.
fermium a synthetic radioactive chemical element that has one hundred protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Fm)
fern any of several flowerless, seedless plants having green, feathery leaves.
fernery a place or terrarium in which ferns are grown. [2 definitions]
ferocious cruelly savage; fierce. [2 definitions]
ferocity the quality or state of being ferocious; ferociousness.
-ferous bearing; yielding; containing.
ferrate any of several salts of iron. [2 definitions]
ferret a domesticated, usu. albino variety of the European polecat, used in hunting rabbits, rats, and the like. [5 definitions]
ferric of, relating to, or containing iron, esp. with a valence of three.
ferric oxide a red-brown solid compound in the natural form of iron ore or rust, processed for use as a pigment and in metallurgy, magnetic tapes and polishing compounds.