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frontiersman a man who lives on or near a frontier.
frontispiece an illustration facing or preceding the title page of a book.
frontless combined form of front.
frontlet an ornamental band, ribbon, or the like worn on the forehead; phylactery; frontal. [2 definitions]
front-load to assign the bulk of the expense or benefit of a financial process to its early stages. [2 definitions]
front money money that is paid in advance, esp. to start a project.
front office the administrative office of a company or organization, or its executive officers or management.
fronton the game of jai alai or a building with a jai alai court.
front-page important enough to print or report on the first page of a newspaper.
front-runner one who leads in a competition, such as a runner in a footrace or a candidate for political office.
frontward toward the front. [2 definitions]
front-wheel drive a car design in which only the front wheels get driving power from the engine.
frost the act or process of freezing. [9 definitions]
frostbite damage to tissue of the body by freezing. [2 definitions]
frosted covered or tipped with ice crystals. [4 definitions]
frosting a very sweet covering or filling for cakes, pastries or the like, often made of sugar, butter, and flavorings; icing. [2 definitions]
frost line the limit past which frost does not penetrate the soil.
frosty causing or marked by frost; freezing. [4 definitions]
froth any foamy substance or aggregation of bubbles, such as results from fermentation, agitation, or salivation in certain diseases. [5 definitions]
frothy of, covered with, or like foam. [2 definitions]
frou-frou the rustling sound of a fabric or clothing, such as a silk dress. [2 definitions]